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My name is Lucas Adriel de Lima. I am a 18 years old programmer from Sao Paulo City, Brazil. And I am up to help developing something. I am a Full-Stack developer, I know the technologies that composes the web development. Well, I took it a step further by learning things about Linux, that I also like a lot, and even a bit of the C programming language! So, I even know about system maintenance and how to setup a server, for instance. I have also gathered knowledge with scripting languages and desktop program development. I speak Portuguese, English and German. The programming languages that I know and have had experience are: Python, Shell Script, PHP, MySQL (MariaDB), Javascript, C and C++. And obviously I know HTML and CSS. I have at least did something with the following frameworks: Node.js, Vue.js, React-native, Electron and Expo. I can work with frameworks, but I actually do not like to use them, because they are less stable than proven software like PHP or MySQL. I do not like to use OOP (Object Oriented Programming) paradigm of development, I prefer to use the function oriented programming, I think it is easier to maintain and the code is more portable. I have background experiences and knowledge with tools like Git, Inkscape, Kdenlive and some others too. I am looking to make a better web and contribute to a better desktop experience. I like to do software that makes people need to spend less time using it, by the way computers were created for this, for people to spend less time computing and doing calculations with data. I have some certifications, which appear below in the next section. And after it, I show some of my works and experiences. I have also categorized my works in four branches of development: Front-end sample, back-end sample, scripting sample and native dev sample. Where each one is represented by a different color as shown.


I have graduated in High School and studied a lot about programming while in school. I have a certificate of PHP and one other specifically of PHP OOP. I did some other courses, of MySQL and HTML. A fun fact, I could not pass the MySQL test. And, the HTML & CSS course I did had no certificate. I have interest in the HTML course from w3schools and in the LPI certification. Nevertheless, I can get more certifications if needed.

php certificate
oop-php certificate

My Works


colorful snake game photo

This is the first project I uploaded to GitHub. And I think it fits in the front-end branch. It was really cool to develop and testing it again I could not resist changing parts of the code. It was also the first time I used a JS framework, Electron, for the desktop version. In some of the next repositories I make some comments about Electron. I saw a tutorial and made it, applying the idea that I have had, adding gradients. I thought I had a really nice idea and from it my sense of design began. I started working with colors, what combinations were good, and so on. From this repository, it is still possible to see how it was when I started learning programming. I struggled to implement the pause button and with the apple and tail overlap, but I think it has nice mechanics. I did not know about responsiveness, how to do a wiki, etc. But I believe this is a nice game and a good start.

My Works


imc calculator icon

It is a mobile app. I made it using react-native and the Expo framework. As explained in the repository, 'IMC' stands for 'BMI' in Portuguese. When testing the app I could not run it, dependencies seem to be broken, I could not build it also. And it showed some things to me. I am luck to have packaged a version. Handling dependencies with JS frameworks was a mess, I even tried to use dependabot, but it proved to be really hard to keep things safe and stable, a few months and it started throwing errors. It was also implemented from a tutorial, my first mobile app, first time using i18n for translations, and it even has an ad page! Beyond that, if I am not wrong, you need an account to make a deploy, get things working as they should in Expo. So, from my experience testing it, I would not recommend using react-native or Expo for developing a mobile application with web technologies. If I had to, I would recommend Ionic.

My Works


blurred ui photo

This project shows well part of my learning process when I was starting my web development studies. And I think this proves my blur effect enthusiasm. Years later, I found a way to polyfill backdrop blur effect, but it still requires the filter tag to work, if I am not wrong, I posted it to GitHub Gist. I believe that the first version shows better my learning process than the revisited one, even that it might be a bit broken in comparison. It seems to be my first project focusing only on a website. Because of it that this website is prettier than the one I did for my mobile app, from when I started studying HTML, CSS and JS without knowing what design was, just liking the entire concept. I actually have started in Python, but liked a lot web technologies when I first saw them, on a video from a guy implementing a beautiful login page. And I though "What he can do with code! I want to try it too". Then I began my studies with it.

My Works


2d platform game photo

This is one of the projects I had not made any big changes to it. It was when I realized it was hard to make a game and was not really my thing. After it, I still tried to do something like a platform game, and made it with Gdevelop, a engine that translates the work to JS, but never published it. Doing it, I already had some notions about design, specially I got to know material design principles while doing this project. The sticky physics are too sticky. And the game design is not the best, there is a nice shortcut there and just one level. If I were to make a game today I would make the canvas responsive and use proper implementations of real math and physics formulae to do the physics of it. Still though I made the pixel art myself.

My Works


blurred landing page photo

Well, another project with blur effect and based on a tutorial. My idea was to simply add blur to the site. This really gave me insights on JS. When I made it, I was still using the pseudo element method to achieve the effect. In this case, it could be easily polyfilled to get backwards compatibility, but in the way it was done still works nice. I made only small changes to it, so it is good to show my learning process too. I probably made this one before the last one, but apparently I created this repository after the repository from the last project. The effect disappears when typing, I think it is not a really interesting function for the user. It plays a bit with local storage using JS. And that is it.

My Works


mint i3wm photo

This one is a modular script to install an i3, which is a window manager, a tile system, in Linux Mint, which is a popular Linux OS. Linux Mint was the first Linux operating system that I used, it is considered by many as an easy to use, to start using Linux. And i3 is also the entry point to the window manager customization, specially to tiling window managers. They work by tiling the windows pretty much like in the image. I do not feel like it is easier to start with. but it was my first experience with this kind of window managers. The thing is some people consider them to be more optimal and better to use. At the end, the benefits are not so high for me, I was not used to it. And, I did not know how to do it right. More about it, I speak in the penultimate project. Maybe it will stop working in the future, I did many adjustments in it. But it is stable and the first register that I studied Bash, a scripting language to interact with the OS, and about OSs, distributions. With it, I could setup an entire environment quickly, beyond setting only the web server, which I was yet to study deeper.

My Works


index html ui preset photo

It is the front-end sample of a project which has also a back-end sample that is in one of the sections below, this project is the true FullStack one. I created this because then I was already using servers and studying back-end code, and realized that I always had to create an index.html for the server, to start testing my PHP code. So, I made this preset of an index.html to not need to create it and to avoid having errors in the server. I started using the Apache Server for my studies and I still like using and setting it up. Also, I made it in a way I can put links directly into the HTML page, this way I can access routes more easily. I had a bit of a concernment about images, so I designed the image myself and got a free icon. This was a fun project to make.

My Works


neon palette photo

It is a collection of colors I gathered with time. Again, I think I made this before the last section, I used some of the color palettes from here in the background image I made in the other project. I started using and searching colors, then I decided to create my own set of colors, all colors in the website come from the palettes and my searches, it even has attributions from the places I gathered them. In the page I put just the primary colors palette and the gradients, the other palettes I organized in a package. As I liked a lot neon colors, and most of them are neon colors, I named it "neon palette". I completely remake the usability of the page, to copy colors more easily and to be a bit more responsive. A bit about CSS frameworks, I do not know much about them, the one I got the closest was Bootstrap, but I never really used it. My favorite framework in this case is Tailwind, I even included the Tailwind v1 colors in my extended palette. I think I could use it, because it is close to pure CSS, the colors are great too, one of the best frameworks.

My Works


login php app photo

It is the back-end sample part of the project I talked about earlier. It is really simple, but nice. Here I wrote a better wiki, on how to setup it. I used md5 to store the passwords just because it is an example, using md5 algorithm in practice is not secure. Strangely enough, when you mix PHP code with HTML, GitHub considers it to be Hack, an implementation of PHP made by Meta™. This is the first back-end focused repository I made. I seems that I can do more writing less with PHP and MySQL, in my case MariaDB, which is free. So, it appears that I did not use it much, but I like it a lot. These languages are really stable and safe for their purposes. The only thing that could reach close, be interesting enough using, is Phoenix, an Elixir framework focused in scalability, at least in my opinion.

My Works


custom-resolution-x11 code

This project was made for when I used Virtualbox VM. Now I prefer QEMU, and I discovered recently that doing it is not really necessary with Virtualbox. I originally created this script to change the screen resolution inside a virtual machine, my place to test out many things, mainly new window managers and desktop interfaces that I have discovered. It usually failed to have a resolution that fit nice for me (higher Xorg resolution on smaller screen). Changing the resolution was difficult and did not work well. The script works in a bit technical way, it calls tools of the system that handles the display server, the classic case in Linux, Xorg, and tells specific instructions to the server to resize the resolution to a new custom one, something that is really powerful and nice to see working. Still though it worked a little different in every environment and desktop, that I used it, specially the behavior of the script generated. A different project, but nice at some degree.

My Works


qt html transparency example photo

It is a nice one. Here I managed to get a Qt application, which is a native framework for making user interfaces, working with web technologies without Electron. Qt is a really powerful framework in this subject and is well-known, I think it is even possible to design mobile applications with it. I made a window with transparency settings, used the WebKit embedded browser, and done, I can use HTML, CSS and JS between other technologies looking native with this nice effect and it is not so memory consuming. If you try it, just pay attention to the dependencies, I had forgotten to list them. I could make an entire web application that fits in the desktop and play around with it, like if it was a normal application, with the stability and powers of this framework. What a solution! I think.

My Works


coding rice installer photo

It is a project where I try to collaborate with other people. Still in my researches about Linux and desktop environments. The script is to install a theme, desktop customization, made by another person. So I gathered the steps and the extra configuration files necessary, and created the install script. I did some improvements to the theme too. I think it may not work in the future. These things change a lot too, and seeing it again, I realized that this just works specifically with some specific tools and with specific distributions of Linux, Arch-Based distributions, in this case. And it is not really good. The most portable script is the one that installs the Dosis font, and it is not still as portable as it could be. A bit about my researches, I should have written about it before, I have complains with all the window managers I tested; Openbox is one close to what I am used to, but while configuring things problems appear. However, I think this was a step towards the right direction and that I had improvements.

My Works


apache server control app photo

In this project, I used some of my past knowledge to make a program that speeds the process of handling the Apache Server graphically, something I have not found before. It was for helping me already using the server a lot. This still carries some technical implementation errors of mine, but I think it is already a bit better. It is really stable and more portable at all. Also, the first time Python appears in my repositories, not that I have used it much unfortunately. I consider this application one of the first real results of my studies outside of the front-end and back-end development.

My Works


hyper custom controls minimalist photo

This one I did when I tried to collaborate with other people, again. But this time, by the traditional method of forking a repository. I wanted to do these things, give contributions and more. But it failed, because I guess the original repository got abandoned or it was completed. I think my changes could be merged, however it seems unlikely to happen. And this was my experience trying to work together mainly. I did this to improve the customization experience of the plug-in, which is for the Hyper.js terminal, a terminal application based on web technologies, it uses Electron. The plug-in really makes it more beautiful in my opinion and I had an idea of improvement, it changes the window buttons in a customizable way, to these little circles. And I thought of adding the possibility to customize the visibility of the title and of the hamburger menu too, each one separately. With it, the terminal can be like the code displays that people do with mockups of terminals, that makes you focus on the code with a nice interface, in a real environment.

My Works


fire startpage homepage

It is a homepage for the browser that I made already with an idea of a portfolio, the one you are seeing now. It has options to add more websites to the grid and to remove, which are all implemented just in the front-end without frameworks, for me this is incredible. It was a lot of work, but was fun to do. And now I know it is possible with only default CSS and JS. There are many functions, to change the background image, change the grid size, and more. The default items are not entirely my preferences, but between them there are real recommendations I would do. At this point, I realized that I was still better and had a lot of fun at front-end development, more than in other things I was studying and using, and also the programming language I had more fun was PHP. I really like it.

My Works


altum fluctus theme photo

This is a theme that I made with the knowledge I have gathered through my studies. Because it is done with CSS, I will still consider it as a front-end sample. It was an idea I had while doing my customizations, configurations, and I think it is really beautiful. It supports the two major desktop environments in Linux, KDE and Gnome. There are many inconsistencies and I can not have something as simple as windows with blur effect in all window elements, like panels, titlebars, rounded corners and a simple border around it all. And I do not have the necessary knowledge to change it, not only the C or C++ should be known, but also how their software structures work. When doing it, I was already doing things for my personal use, which I show in the next section. I encountered problems and I even tried to patch the code, do changes, but it did not work. I worked with what I knew, mostly the CSS part. I think it is a nice theme, good colors on eye, between other aspects.

My Works


dotfiles photo

Finally, this is the result of the desktop part of my studies. I even made a theme customization for my personal settings, which is what dotfiles mean. To do it, CSS knowledge is needed, so I used much of what I studied and I like it a lot. And it is still the closest I get from the experience of blur effect and rounded corners that I have talked earlier, I mean in a more consistent way, not consistent enough yet, this may change soon. I applied many nice concepts to create my own configurations. This project targets the usability for production and some other technical goals, and a bit of the history is available in the repository. It is not completed yet, I plan to add a whole side bar with widgets and a top menu bar with many functionalities, to speed up some processes. If it were not the need for the blur effect I probably could have a more refined experience in some Linux environments than I would in MacOS, and that is awesome. In other words this is a backup, and more of a weekend project now, just a hobby, a useful one.

My Works


spectrwm config photo

At last, this is my favorite tiling window manager. And I created this repository to save this specific part of my researches and studies, something that I did before even starting my dotfiles project. It is a nice extra as I can not work really well without desktop environments. So I do not use it daily. I admit that I focused on studying other things more than web technologies for a while, however I think that everything I learned really is useful for me, directly or indirectly. I feel that I gained efficiency; experience in how to improve the usability of an application, how to build it in a cohesive way; knowledge about how to setup a system; and more. By the way, exploring things like this is powerful, it is from there that things like having the theme colors matching the wallpaper that Android and others use now.

My Works

And More...

my projects folder

There are things I made that I have not published, mostly tests, parts of my learning process and some actually useful stuff. These are the repositories I have created, including this one. Also, my next repositories will not be included here, but I may try to add my real works in the future. If you are interested, you can contact me by email. And that is it! Thanks for reading.